
In this project, we will build a thermometer system using the LM35 temperature sensor and an Arduino. The LM35 is a simple analog temperature sensor that measures temperature and provides an output voltage that is linearly proportional to the temperature in degrees Celsius. It is a popular choice for temperature measurement in weather stations, industrial monitoring systems, and home automation projects.

By connecting the LM35 sensor to an Arduino, we can measure temperature in real-time and display the results on a serial monitor or even an LCD screen. This project is suitable for beginners and professionals who want to learn about temperature measurement and sensor integration.

What We Will Learn in This Section:

  • How the LM35 temperature sensor works to measure temperature.

  • How to connect the LM35 sensor to an Arduino.

  • How to write an Arduino program to read temperature values and display them.

  • How to avoid common pitfalls when using temperature sensors.

  • How to expand the system for more advanced applications such as weather stations or industrial monitoring.

Why Is This Lesson Important to You?

Temperature measurement is a critical aspect of weather monitoring, industrial processes, and automation systems. Understanding how to measure temperature using a sensor like the LM35 allows you to create systems that can monitor temperature changes, send alerts, or trigger actions based on specific temperature conditions. By learning to use the LM35 sensor with an Arduino, you can build thermometers, climate control systems, or data loggers for various applications.

This knowledge is especially useful for those working in environmental monitoring, industrial automation, or smart home systems.

Components List:

Here are the components you will need to complete this project:

  • Arduino UNO (or any compatible Arduino board)

  • LM35 Temperature Sensor (for temperature measurement)

  • Resistor (10kΩ) (optional, for pull-down configuration)

  • LCD Display (optional) (to display temperature readings)

  • Breadboard (for easy wiring)

  • Jumper wires (to connect components)

  • USB cable (to power the Arduino and upload the code)

  • Power supply (optional, for battery-powered applications)

ensor Pin Names:




Power supply (connects to 5V on Arduino)


Ground pin (connects to GND on Arduino)


Analog output (sends temperature data to Arduino)

Circuit Diagram with Connection Table:


Connection Description

Arduino Pin

How to Connect


Power supply for the temperature sensor


Connect to the 5V pin on Arduino




Connect to ground (GND)


Analog signal for temperature data


Connect to analog pin A0

LCD VCC (optional)

Power supply for the LCD


Connect to 5V pin

LCD GND (optional)



Connect to ground (GND)


Serial data for LCD


Connect to SDA pin


Serial clock for LCD


Connect to SCL pin

Circuit Diagram Analysis:

The LM35 temperature sensor provides an analog output that is directly proportional to the temperature in degrees Celsius. The sensor has three pins: VCC, GND, and OUT. The OUT pin sends an analog signal that represents the current temperature to the Arduino.

  • The VCC pin connects to the 5V pin on the Arduino to power the sensor.

  • The GND pin connects to the GND pin on the Arduino to complete the circuit.

  • The OUT pin connects to analog pin A0 on the Arduino, where the temperature signal is read and converted to a temperature value.

You can also connect an LCD display to show the temperature readings in real-time, providing a user-friendly interface for the thermometer system.

Arduino Script:

const int tempSensorPin = A0;  // L-1
float temperature = 0;         // L-2

void setup() {                 // L-3
  Serial.begin(9600);          // L-4
}                              // L-5

void loop() {                  // L-6
  int sensorValue = analogRead(tempSensorPin);  // L-7
  temperature = sensorValue * 0.48828125;       // L-8
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");                // L-9
  Serial.print(temperature);                    // L-10
  Serial.println(" °C");                        // L-11

  delay(1000);                                  // L-12
}                                               // L-13


Line L-1
const int tempSensorPin = A0;
What it does: Declares a constant variable tempSensorPin and assigns it to analog pin A0, where the LM35 temperature sensor’s OUT pin is connected.
Why it’s important: The Arduino needs to know which pin to read the analog temperature data from the sensor.
Example analogy: It’s like assigning a specific channel on a radio to receive weather updates.

Line L-2
float temperature = 0;
What it does: Declares a floating-point variable temperature to store the temperature value read from the sensor.
Why it’s important: This variable holds the actual temperature in degrees Celsius that the system calculates from the sensor data.
Example analogy: It’s like writing down the current temperature on a notepad.

Line L-7
int sensorValue = analogRead(tempSensorPin);
What it does: Reads the analog value from the temperature sensor connected to pin A0 and stores it in the sensorValue variable.
Why it’s important: The Arduino must first read the raw sensor data to convert it into a temperature value.
Example analogy: It’s like measuring the water level in a thermometer before converting it to a temperature reading.

Line L-8
temperature = sensorValue * 0.48828125;
What it does: Converts the analog sensor value into a temperature in Celsius using a conversion factor (for a 10-bit ADC with 5V reference).
Why it’s important: The analog reading from the LM35 sensor needs to be converted to a real-world temperature value.
Example analogy: It’s like converting a raw score on an exam to a percentage.

Line L-9
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
What it does: Prints the text "Temperature: " to the Serial Monitor, indicating that a temperature reading is being displayed.
Why it’s important: It provides context for the user when viewing the temperature output in the Serial Monitor.
Example analogy: It’s like writing the word “Temperature” next to a temperature value on a display.

How It Works (Arduino Script):

The LM35 temperature sensor continuously measures the temperature and sends an analog signal to the A0 pin on the Arduino. The Arduino reads this analog value using the analogRead() function and converts it into a temperature in degrees Celsius using the formula:

Temperature (°C) = (Analog value / 1024) * 5V * 100

In the script, we simplify this calculation using the conversion factor 0.48828125, which is derived from the sensor's linearity (10 mV per degree Celsius). The temperature is then displayed in the Serial Monitor every second, providing real-time updates on the temperature.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them:

  • Pitfall: Incorrect temperature readings
    Avoidance: Ensure the sensor is powered correctly and that the OUT pin is connected to an analog pin on the Arduino. Verify that the correct conversion formula is being used for the temperature calculation.

  • Pitfall: Sensor overheating due to poor placement
    Avoidance: Place the sensor in an area where it is not exposed to heat sources, such as electronics or direct sunlight, to avoid incorrect readings.

  • Pitfall: Fluctuating temperature readings
    Avoidance: Add a smoothing filter in the code to average the sensor values over time, reducing noise and providing more stable readings.

Debugging Common Issues:

  • Issue: The temperature readings are incorrect or nonsensical
    Debugging: Check that the VCC, GND, and OUT pins are correctly connected to the Arduino. Use the Serial Monitor to check if the sensor is providing valid analog readings.

  • Issue: The temperature readings fluctuate rapidly
    Debugging: Implement a smoothing function in the code to average the readings, or place the sensor in a controlled environment to minimize interference.

  • Issue: No temperature readings are displayed on the Serial Monitor
    Debugging: Ensure that the Serial Monitor is open and set to the correct baud rate (9600). Check the connections and ensure the code is uploaded correctly to the Arduino.

Further Exploration:

  • Exercise 1: Add an LCD display to show the temperature in real-time.
    Hint: Use the LiquidCrystal library to display the temperature readings on an LCD screen for a more user-friendly output.

  • Exercise 2: Add a temperature threshold to trigger an alert when the temperature exceeds a certain value.
    Hint: Use an if statement to check if the temperature is above a specified threshold and trigger a buzzer or LED.

  • Exercise 3: Create a data logging system that records temperature readings over time.
    Hint: Use an SD card module to store the temperature data on an SD card for later analysis.

Practice Exercises:

  • Exercise 1: Modify the code to calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius.
    Hint: Use the formula Fahrenheit = (Celsius * 9/5) + 32 to convert the temperature readings.

  • Exercise 2: Add a real-time clock (RTC) module to log the time and date along with the temperature readings.
    Hint: Use the RTC library to keep track of time and store it with each temperature reading.

  • Exercise 3: Create a climate control system that turns on a fan or heater based on the temperature readings.
    Hint: Use a relay module to control the fan or heater and trigger it based on temperature thresholds.


In this tutorial, we built a thermometer system using the LM35 temperature sensor and an Arduino. The system reads the analog output from the sensor, converts it to a temperature in degrees Celsius, and displays it on the Serial Monitor. We also discussed how to wire the sensor, write the Arduino code, and troubleshoot common issues with temperature measurement.

By mastering the use of the LM35 sensor, you can create various applications for weather monitoring, industrial temperature control, or home automation. This project provides a solid foundation for working with sensors and data collection systems.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Check wiring: Ensure all connections between the LM35 sensor, Arduino, and any additional components (such as an LCD) are correct.

  • Monitor serial output: Use the Serial Monitor to verify if the temperature readings are accurate and being updated in real-time.

  • Use smoothing filters: If temperature readings fluctuate rapidly, implement a smoothing function in the code to average out the values.

Glossary of Terms:

  • Temperature Sensor (LM35): A sensor that measures temperature and outputs an analog voltage proportional to the temperature in degrees Celsius.

  • Analog Output (A0): The pin on the Arduino that receives the analog signal from the sensor, representing the temperature value.

  • Smoothing Filter: A function that averages multiple sensor readings to reduce noise and provide more stable data.

  • Serial Monitor: A tool in the Arduino IDE that displays real-time data being transmitted from the Arduino to a computer.

Additional Resources and References:

  • Arduino Official Documentation: www.arduino.cc

  • LM35 Temperature Sensor Datasheet: For detailed specifications and usage guidelines.

  • Arduino Forum: A helpful community for troubleshooting and learning more about Arduino projects.

  • LiquidCrystal Library: For controlling LCD displays with Arduino.


The LM35 sensor is a versatile and reliable device for temperature measurement in a variety of environments. It provides accurate readings over a wide range of temperatures and is ideal for projects that require real-time temperature monitoring. Ensure that the sensor is placed in a stable environment to avoid interference from external heat sources.


  • Q1: How accurate is the LM35 temperature sensor?
    A: The LM35 sensor has an accuracy of ±0.5°C, making it suitable for most temperature measurement applications.

  • Q2: Can I measure negative temperatures with the LM35 sensor?
    A: Yes, the LM35 can measure temperatures below 0°C by connecting the sensor's GND pin to a negative voltage.

  • Q3: How can I display the temperature on an LCD screen?
    A: Use the LiquidCrystal library to interface an LCD screen with the Arduino and display the temperature readings in real-time.

  • Q4: Can I use this system for industrial temperature monitoring?
    A: Yes, the LM35 sensor is suitable for industrial applications, but for more precise control or harsh environments, consider using more robust temperature sensors.

Q5: Can I log temperature data for later analysis?
A: Yes, you can use an SD card module to record temperature data and analyze it later using a computer or other device.

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