In this project, we’ll demonstrate how to read data from a sensor and store it on an SD card using an Arduino. The SD card can store this data in a text file, allowing you to retrieve and analyze it later. This tutorial is ideal for beginners, and the concepts learned here can be extended to more advanced projects like temperature logging or environmental monitoring systems.
How This Arduino Project Works
The Arduino collects data from a sensor (for instance, a temperature sensor or a light sensor) and writes this data to a file on an SD card. The project involves setting up a basic circuit with an SD card module and a sensor, writing a code that enables the Arduino to collect and log data, and troubleshooting any errors.
Components List for Arduino Sensor Project
To complete this project, you’ll need the following components:
- 1x Arduino UNO: A microcontroller board that will collect data from the sensor and communicate with the SD card module.
- 1x SD Card Module: Stores the data collected from the sensor onto an SD card. Make sure your SD card module supports SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) communication.
- 1x Analog Sensor: You can use any sensor such as a temperature sensor, light sensor, or humidity sensor. In this case, we will use a light sensor.
- 1x SD Card: At least 2GB capacity, formatted as FAT16 or FAT32, to store the sensor data.
- 1x Breadboard: A prototyping platform used to build the circuit.
- Jumper Wires: Used to make connections between the Arduino, the sensor, and the SD card module.
Circuit Diagram for Arduino Project
Below is the circuit diagram to guide you in wiring the components. The sensor connects to the analog pin on the Arduino, while the SD card module connects to the SPI pins.
Step-by-Step Circuit Connection Guide
SD Card Module Connections:
- VCC to 5V on the Arduino: This powers the SD card module.
- GND to GND on the Arduino: This is the ground connection.
- MOSI (Master Out Slave In) to Pin 11 on the Arduino: This is for data transfer from the Arduino to the SD card.
- MISO (Master In Slave Out) to Pin 12 on the Arduino: This is for data transfer from the SD card back to the Arduino.
- SCK (Serial Clock) to Pin 13 on the Arduino: This provides the clock signal for SPI communication.
- CS (Chip Select) to Pin 10 on the Arduino: This pin is used by the Arduino to select the SD card for communication.
Analog Sensor Connections:
- The sensor’s output pin should be connected to Analog Pin A0 on the Arduino.
- Connect the power pin of the sensor to the 5V pin on the Arduino.
- Connect the ground pin of the sensor to the GND pin on the Arduino.
Circuit Analysis: How Each Component Works
- Arduino UNO: The Arduino UNO is the heart of the project. It collects data from the sensor and processes this data before sending it to the SD card module for storage. It also powers both the sensor and the SD card module.
- SD Card Module: The SD card module communicates with the Arduino over SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). It allows you to store sensor data in text files, which you can later read on a computer or other devices.
- Analog Sensor: The sensor generates a signal based on the parameter it measures (e.g., temperature or light intensity). The Arduino reads this signal as an analog voltage and converts it into digital data, which is then stored on the SD card.
- Jumper Wires: These wires connect the different components, allowing electrical signals to travel between them. They are essential for ensuring that data and power flow between the Arduino, SD card module, and the sensor.
Code for Arduino Sensor Project
The following code handles the initialization of the SD card, checking for the existence of a log file, writing data to the SD card, and then reading it back. This code assumes you have a sensor connected to Analog Pin A0 and an SD card module connected via SPI pins.
#include // Line 1: Includes the SD library to handle SD card operations
const int chipSelect = 10; // Line 2: Defines chip select pin for SD card communication
int sensorPin = A0; // Line 3: Assigns Analog Pin A0 to read sensor data
File myFile; // Line 4: Declares a File object to handle files on the SD card
void setup() { // Line 5: Begins the setup function
Serial.begin(9600); // Line 6: Initializes serial communication at a baud rate of 9600
while (!Serial); // Line 7: Waits for the Serial Monitor to connect (for boards with native USB)
check_and_create_file(); // Line 8: Calls the function to check and create the log file on the SD card
write_text(); // Line 9: Calls the function to write data to the SD card
} // Line 10: Ends the setup function
void loop() { // Line 11: Begins the loop function (empty for this project)
// nothing happens after setup finishes.
} // Line 12: Ends the loop function
void check_and_create_file() { // Line 13: Begins the function to check if the file exists, or create it
Serial.print("Initializing SD card..."); // Line 14: Prints status to the serial monitor
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { // Line 15: Checks if the SD card is initialized successfully
Serial.println("initialization failed!"); // Line 16: Prints error message if initialization fails
while (1); // Line 17: Stalls the program in case of failure
Serial.println("initialization done."); // Line 18: Confirms successful initialization
if (SD.exists("data_log.txt")) // Line 19: Checks if the log file already exists
Serial.println("data_log.txt exists."); // Line 20: Prints message if the file exists
else { // Line 21: If the file does not exist, it proceeds to create the file
Serial.println("Creating data_log.txt..."); // Line 22: Prints message to inform file creation
myFile ="data_log.txt", FILE_WRITE); // Line 23: Opens the file in write mode
myFile.close(); // Line 24: Closes the file after creation
if (SD.exists("data_log.txt")) // Line 25: Confirms if the file now exists
Serial.println("data_log.txt exists."); // Line 26: Prints success message
else // Line 27: Informs that the file creation failed
Serial.println("data_log.txt doesn't exist.");
} // Line 28: Ends the function
void write_text() { // Line 29: Begins the function to write data to the file
myFile ="data_log.txt", FILE_WRITE); // Line 30: Opens the file for writing
if (myFile) { // Line 31: Checks if the file was successfully opened
Serial.print("Writing to data_log.txt..."); // Line 32: Prints status to serial monitor
myFile.println("testing 1, 2, 3."); // Line 33: Writes data ("testing 1, 2, 3.") to the file
myFile.close(); // Line 34: Closes the file after writing
Serial.println("done."); // Line 35: Confirms successful write operation
} else { // Line 36: If the file failed to open, print an error
Serial.println("error opening data_log.txt");
myFile ="data_log.txt"); // Line 37: Reopens the file to read from it
if (myFile) { // Line 38: Checks if the file opened successfully
while (myFile.available()) { // Line 39: While the file has data to read
Serial.write(; // Line 40: Read and print the contents of the file to the Serial Monitor
myFile.close(); // Line 41: Close the file after reading
} else { // Line 42: Prints error if file cannot be opened for reading
Serial.println("error opening data_log.txt");
} // Line 43: Ends the function
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