Project Overview:

This project uses an Arduino to monitor gas levels with a gas sensor. Based on the detected gas concentration, different LEDs light up to indicate safe, warning, or dangerous levels of gas in the environment.

Components List:

Circuit Connection:

Gas Level Indicator with LEDs using Arduino

  1. Gas Sensor:
  • Connect the analog output pin of the gas sensor to the Arduino’s analog pin A1.
  1. LEDs Setup:
  • Connect the Green LED to digital pin 7.
  • Connect the Yellow LED to digital pin 6.
  • Connect the first Red LED to digital pin 5.
  • Connect the second Red LED to digital pin 4.
  • Place a 220Ω resistor in series with each LED to limit the current.

Project Code:

int PINO_SGAS = A1;         // Pin connected to gas sensor
int LED_VERDE = 7; // Green LED pin
int LED_AMARELO = 6; // Yellow LED pin
int LED_VERMELHO1 = 5; // First Red LED pin
int LED_VERMELHO2 = 4; // Second Red LED pin

void setup() {
pinMode(LED_VERDE, OUTPUT); // Set LED pins as outputs

void loop() {
int valor = analogRead(PINO_SGAS); // Read the gas sensor value
valor = map(valor, 300, 750, 0, 100); // Map sensor value to a percentage (0-100)

// Control the LEDs based on the mapped value
digitalWrite(LED_VERDE, HIGH); // Green LED always on
digitalWrite(LED_AMARELO, valor >= 30 ? HIGH : LOW); // Yellow LED on if value >= 30
digitalWrite(LED_VERMELHO1, valor >= 50 ? HIGH : LOW); // First Red LED on if value >= 50
digitalWrite(LED_VERMELHO2, valor >= 80 ? HIGH : LOW); // Second Red LED on if value >= 80

delay(250); // Small delay to prevent flickering

Explanation of the Code:

  1. Setup Function:
  • Configures the LED pins as outputs.
  1. Loop Function:
  • Reads the analog value from the gas sensor and maps it to a range between 0 and 100.
  • The Green LED is always on, indicating the system is running.
  • The Yellow LED lights up if the gas level reaches 30% or higher, indicating a warning.
  • The first Red LED lights up if the gas level reaches 50% or higher, signaling a potential danger.
  • The second Red LED lights up if the gas level reaches 80% or higher, indicating a critical situation.


This project is useful in environments where gas leakage detection is critical. The LEDs provide a visual indication of the gas levels, allowing for quick response in case of dangerous concentrations. The setup can be modified for different gas sensors and thresholds depending on the application.

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