In this projuct  you can control devices from a large distance I mean very large distance. This project is based on GSM module which in our case SIM900A. The devices switch on and off when the GSM module receives specified messages

Block Diagram of GSM Based Home Automation using Arduino

Circuit Diagram  of GSM Based Home Automation using Arduino

Working  with GSM Based Home Automation using Arduino

First of all, we send the specified command to GSM module through messages using any mobile. GSM module receives the messages Arduino fetch the desired instruction from the message and perform the required operation such as on and off devices and display devices status on LCD.

Code for GSM based home automation system

downloade  clock here

Commands: on*Fan ON off*Fan OFF
#A.light on*Light ON
#A.light off*Light OFF on*TV ON off*TV Off
#A.all on*All ON
#A.all off*All OFF

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