Arduino NTC Thermistor Project for Beginners: Measure Temperature Accurately

Arduino NTC Thermistor Project for Beginners: Measure Temperature Accurately

Project Overview

This beginner-friendly project demonstrates how to use an NTC Thermistor with Arduino to measure and display temperature in Celsius. The NTC thermistor is a temperature sensor that changes its resistance with temperature, making it suitable for accurate temperature measurements.

Project Goals for Arduino NTC Thermistor

  • Learn how to connect an NTC Thermistor to Arduino for temperature measurement.
  • Use a voltage divider circuit to read temperature changes from the NTC thermistor.
  • Understand how to calculate temperature from the NTC thermistor readings using the Beta value method.

Required Components for Arduino NTC Thermistor Project

Here’s a list of components needed to build this project:

Arduino UnoMain microcontroller boardBuy on Amazon
NTC Thermistor (10k)Temperature sensor with 10k nominal resistanceCheck Availability
10k Ohm ResistorUsed in the voltage divider circuitCheck Availability
Jumper WiresConnects components to ArduinoBuy on Amazon
BreadboardFor prototyping connectionsBuy on Amazon

What is an NTC Thermistor?

The NTC Thermistor (Negative Temperature Coefficient) is a temperature sensor whose resistance decreases as temperature increases. It is commonly used in temperature measurement and control applications. The thermistor is part of a voltage divider circuit, which allows Arduino to read temperature variations as changes in voltage.

NTC Thermistor Pinout Overview

Lead 1Connected to 5V via the voltage divider resistor
Lead 2Connected to the analog input (A0) on Arduino

Circuit Connection for NTC Thermistor with Arduino

Follow these connections to set up the NTC Thermistor with Arduino:

ComponentArduino PinDetails
Thermistor Lead 15V via 10k resistorConnected to power through the voltage divider
Thermistor Lead 2A0Analog input to Arduino
10k ResistorBetween Thermistor Lead 1 and 5VForms the voltage divider
GNDGNDGround connection

How the Circuit Works

The NTC Thermistor changes its resistance based on temperature. It is part of a voltage divider circuit that outputs a variable voltage to the Arduino’s analog input. The Arduino reads this voltage and calculates the temperature in Celsius using the Beta value method.

Arduino Code for NTC Thermistor

This code reads the resistance of the NTC Thermistor and calculates the temperature in Celsius using the Beta value formula. Copy and upload this code to your Arduino Uno.

 * @file        Arduino_NTC_Interface.ino
 * @brief       Interfacing NTC Thermistor With Arduino
#define ntc_pin A0          // Pin connected to the voltage divider
#define vd_power_pin 2      // 5V for the voltage divider
#define nominal_resistance 10000    // Nominal resistance at 25⁰C
#define nominal_temperature 25      // Temperature for nominal resistance (25⁰C)
#define sampling_rate 5     // Number of samples
#define beta 3950           // Beta coefficient of the thermistor
#define Rref 10000          // Resistor value in voltage divider

int samples = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(vd_power_pin, OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication at 9600 baud rate

void loop() {
  uint8_t i;
  float average;
  samples = 0;

  // Take voltage readings from the voltage divider
  digitalWrite(vd_power_pin, HIGH);
  for (i = 0; i < sampling_rate; i++) {
    samples += analogRead(ntc_pin);
  digitalWrite(vd_power_pin, LOW);

  average = samples / sampling_rate;
  Serial.println("\n\nADC Reading: " + String(average));

  // Calculate NTC resistance
  average = 1023 / average - 1;
  average = Rref / average;
  Serial.println("Thermistor Resistance: " + String(average) + " ohms");

  // Calculate temperature using Beta formula
  float temperature;
  temperature = average / nominal_resistance;
  temperature = log(temperature);
  temperature /= beta;
  temperature += 1.0 / (nominal_temperature + 273.15);
  temperature = 1.0 / temperature;
  temperature -= 273.15;

  Serial.println("Temperature: " + String(temperature) + " *C");


Steps to Upload Arduino Code

  • Connect your Arduino to the computer using a USB cable.
  • Open the Arduino IDE and paste the code into a new sketch.
  • Select the correct board (e.g., Arduino Uno) and port from the "Tools" menu.
  • Click the "Upload" button to transfer the code to the Arduino.

Check Output for NTC Thermistor

  • Open the Serial Monitor (Ctrl + Shift + M) after uploading the code.
  • The calculated temperature will be displayed in the Serial Monitor in Celsius.
  • Observe the temperature change by touching the thermistor or using a heat source.

Troubleshooting Tips for NTC Thermistor

  • No Readings in Serial Monitor: Check the wiring and ensure the thermistor is correctly connected.
  • Incorrect Temperature Values: Verify the Beta value and nominal resistance of the thermistor used.
  • Inconsistent Readings: Ensure stable connections and avoid noise interference.

Suggestions for Beginners

Start by testing the NTC Thermistor to understand its behavior with temperature changes. Once you’re comfortable with the readings, try integrating it into more complex temperature monitoring projects.

Recommended Book for Learning Arduino

Arduino Programming for Absolute Beginners - This book provides easy, step-by-step instructions, making it ideal for beginners who want to learn Arduino programming.

For more Arduino tutorials, visit, where you’ll find resources on Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi.

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