Arduino MQ3 Alcohol Sensor Project for Beginners: Detect Alcohol Levels

Arduino MQ3 Alcohol Sensor Project for Beginners: Detect Alcohol Levels

Project Overview

This beginner-friendly project demonstrates how to use an MQ3 alcohol sensor with Arduino to detect alcohol levels in the air and indicate the status using an LED. The MQ3 sensor is widely used for measuring blood alcohol levels, making it ideal for breathalyzer projects.

Project Goals for Arduino MQ3 Alcohol Sensor

  • Learn how to connect an MQ3 alcohol sensor to Arduino for alcohol detection.
  • Measure alcohol levels and classify the status as "Sober," "Drinking but within legal limits," or "DRUNK."
  • Control an LED using PWM to indicate high alcohol levels.

Required Components for Arduino MQ3 Alcohol Sensor Project

Here’s a list of components needed to build this project:

Arduino UnoMain microcontroller boardBuy on Amazon
MQ3 Alcohol SensorDetects alcohol levels in the airCheck Availability
LEDIndicates high alcohol levelsBuy on Amazon
220 Ohm ResistorLimits current to the LEDCheck Availability
Jumper WiresConnects components to ArduinoBuy on Amazon
BreadboardFor prototyping connectionsBuy on Amazon

What is the MQ3 Alcohol Sensor?

The MQ3 alcohol sensor is a gas sensor used to detect alcohol concentration in the air. It is commonly used in breathalyzer devices and alcohol detectors. The sensor outputs an analog voltage that varies with the alcohol concentration in the air.

MQ3 Alcohol Sensor Pinout Overview

VCCPower supply (5V)
GNDGround connection
OUTAnalog output, connected to Arduino analog input

Circuit Connection for MQ3 & LED with Arduino

Follow these connections to set up the MQ3 alcohol sensor and LED with Arduino:

ComponentArduino PinDetails
Sensor VCC5VConnect to 5V power supply
Sensor GNDGNDGround connection
Sensor OUTA0Analog output to Arduino
LED AnodeD6Connects to Arduino digital pin with resistor
LED CathodeGNDGround connection

How the Circuit Works

The MQ3 alcohol sensor reads the alcohol concentration and outputs an analog voltage to the Arduino. The code classifies the alcohol level as "Sober," "Drinking but within legal limits," or "DRUNK," based on the sensor's output. The LED brightness is controlled using PWM when the alcohol level exceeds a threshold.

Arduino Code for MQ3 Alcohol Sensor & LED

This code reads the alcohol concentration using the MQ3 sensor and controls the LED brightness using PWM. Copy and upload this code to your Arduino Uno.

#define Sober 200   // Max value considered as sober
#define Drunk 400   // Min value considered as drunk
#define MQ3 A0      // MQ3 sensor pin
#define ledPin 6    // LED pin

float sensorValue;  // Variable to store sensor value

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 baud
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
  Serial.println("MQ3 Heating Up!");
  delay(2000); // Allow the MQ3 to warm up

void loop() {
  sensorValue = analogRead(MQ3); // Read analog input from MQ3 sensor
  Serial.print("Sensor Value: ");

  // Determine the status
  if (sensorValue < Sober) {
    Serial.println("  |  Status: Sober");
  } else if (sensorValue >= Sober && sensorValue < Drunk) {
    Serial.println("  |  Status: Drinking but within legal limits");
  } else {
    Serial.println("  |  Status: DRUNK");

  unsigned int outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

  if (sensorValue > 700) {
    analogWrite(ledPin, outputValue); // Generate PWM signal
  } else {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

  delay(2000); // Wait 2 seconds for the next reading

Steps to Upload Arduino Code

  • Connect your Arduino to the computer using a USB cable.
  • Open the Arduino IDE and paste the code into a new sketch.
  • Select the correct board (e.g., Arduino Uno) and port from the "Tools" menu.
  • Click the "Upload" button to transfer the code to the Arduino.

Check Output for MQ3 Alcohol Sensor & LED

  • Open the Serial Monitor (Ctrl + Shift + M) after uploading the code.
  • The alcohol sensor reading and status will be displayed in the Serial Monitor.
  • As the alcohol concentration increases, the LED brightness will increase accordingly.

Troubleshooting Tips for MQ3 Sensor & LED

  • No Response from Sensor: Check the wiring and ensure the sensor is connected correctly.
  • LED Not Lighting Up: Verify that the sensor output exceeds the threshold value.
  • Inconsistent Readings: Ensure a stable power supply and proper sensor calibration.

Suggestions for Beginners

Start by testing the MQ3 sensor with the Serial Monitor to understand its behavior. Once you’re comfortable with the readings, integrate it into more advanced alcohol detection projects.

Recommended Book for Learning Arduino

Arduino Programming for Absolute Beginners - This book provides easy, step-by-step instructions, making it ideal for beginners who want to learn Arduino programming.

For more Arduino tutorials, visit, where you’ll find resources on Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi.

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