Arduino DS3231 RTC Module for Beginners: Display Real-Time Date & Time on I2C LCD

Arduino DS3231 RTC Module for Beginners: Display Real-Time Date & Time on I2C LCD

Project Overview

This beginner-friendly project uses the DS3231 RTC module with Arduino to display the real-time date and time on an I2C LCD. The DS3231 RTC is a real-time clock module that keeps accurate date and time even when the Arduino is powered off, making it ideal for time-sensitive projects.

Project Goals for DS3231 RTC Module with Arduino

  • Learn how to connect the DS3231 RTC module to Arduino for timekeeping.
  • Use the I2C LCD display with Arduino to show real-time date and time.
  • Understand how to use the RTClib library for managing the DS3231 module.

Required Components for Arduino DS3231 RTC Project

Here’s a list of components required to complete this project:

Arduino UnoMain microcontroller boardBuy on Amazon
DS3231 RTC ModuleReal-time clock module for accurate timekeepingBuy on Amazon
I2C LCD Display (16x2)Displays date and timeBuy on Amazon
Jumper WiresConnects components to ArduinoBuy on Amazon
BreadboardFor prototyping connectionsBuy on Amazon

What is the DS3231 RTC Module?

The DS3231 RTC module is a highly accurate real-time clock that keeps track of the current date and time. It uses the I2C communication protocol, making it easy to interface with Arduino. The module also has an internal battery, which ensures that it retains time information even when the Arduino is powered off.

DS3231 RTC Module Pinout

VCCConnects to 5V on Arduino for power
GNDGround connection, connects to GND on Arduino
SCLI2C clock line, connects to Arduino SCL (A5)
SDAI2C data line, connects to Arduino SDA (A4)

Circuit Connection for DS3231 RTC and I2C LCD with Arduino

Follow the connections below to set up the DS3231 RTC module and I2C LCD with Arduino:

ComponentArduino PinDetails
DS3231 VCC5VPower the RTC module
DS3231 GNDGNDGround the RTC module
DS3231 SCLA5Connects to Arduino SCL pin
DS3231 SDAA4Connects to Arduino SDA pin
LCD VCC5VPower the LCD display
LCD GNDGNDGround the LCD display
LCD SCLA5Connects to Arduino SCL pin
LCD SDAA4Connects to Arduino SDA pin

How the Circuit Works

The DS3231 RTC module sends date and time data to the Arduino via the I2C interface. The Arduino then displays this information on the I2C LCD. The setup allows the date and time to be visible in real-time, even when the Arduino loses power, thanks to the backup battery on the RTC module.

Arduino Code for DS3231 RTC and I2C LCD

This code reads the date and time from the DS3231 RTC module and displays it on the I2C LCD display. Copy the code and upload it to your Arduino Uno.


// Initialize RTC and LCD objects
RTC_DS3231 rtc;
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // I2C address 0x27, 16 columns x 2 rows

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start serial communication
  lcd.begin();         // Initialize the LCD
  lcd.backlight();     // Turn on the LCD backlight

  // Check if the RTC module is connected
  if (!rtc.begin()) {
    Serial.println("RTC Module not detected!");
    while (1);  // Halt if RTC is not connected

  // Set the date and time if the RTC lost power
  if (rtc.lostPower()) {
    Serial.println("RTC lost power, setting time...");
    rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); // Sets to compile time

void loop() {
  DateTime now =;  // Get current time

  displayDate(now);  // Display the date
  displayTime(now);  // Display the time
  delay(1000);       // Update every second

void displayTime(DateTime now) {
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  // Set cursor to top row
  lcd.print("Time: ");  // Print "Time:" label

void displayDate(DateTime now) {
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  // Set cursor to bottom row
  lcd.print("Date: ");  // Print "Date:" label

Steps to Upload Arduino Code

  • Connect your Arduino to the computer using a USB cable.
  • Open the Arduino IDE and paste the code into a new sketch.
  • Install the RTClib and LiquidCrystal I2C libraries from the Library Manager.
  • Select the correct board (e.g., Arduino Uno) and port from the "Tools" menu.
  • Click the "Upload" button to transfer the code to the Arduino.

Check Output for DS3231 RTC with I2C LCD

  • After uploading the code, the I2C LCD will display the current date and time from the DS3231 RTC module.
  • The Serial Monitor will show the RTC status and any error messages.

Troubleshooting Tips for DS3231 RTC Module

  • No Display on LCD: Check if the I2C address matches your LCD’s address (use an I2C scanner if unsure).
  • No RTC Module Detected: Ensure the wiring is correct and the RTC module is powered properly.
  • Incorrect Time Display: Adjust the time manually in the code by using rtc.adjust(DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second));.

Suggestions for Beginners

Start by testing the DS3231 RTC module and I2C LCD separately to ensure they work as expected. Then, combine them in a single project to display real-time date and time.

Recommended Book for Learning Arduino

Arduino Programming for Absolute Beginners - This book provides step-by-step guidance, making it ideal for beginners looking to learn Arduino programming.

For more Arduino tutorials, visit, where you’ll find resources on Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi.

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