You want to Arduino incrementing variables . In this guide I will show you Arduino incrementing variables step by step complete process.
Arduino incrementing variables Code
// Incrementing and Decrementing Values
void setup() {
int myValue = 0;
myValue = myValue + 1; // this adds one to the variable myValue
myValue += 1; // this does the same as the above
myValue = myValue - 1; // this subtracts one from the variable myValue
myValue -= 1; // this does the same as the above
myValue = myValue + 5; // this adds five to the variable myValue
myValue += 6; // this does the same as the above
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Increasing and decreasing the values of variables is one of the most common programming tasks, and Arduino has operators to make this easy. Increasing a value by one is called incrementing, and decreasing it by one is called decrementing. The longhand way to do this is as follows:
myValue = myValue + 1; // this adds one to the variable myValue
But you can also combine the increment and decrement operators with the assign operator, like this:
myValue += 1; // this does the same as the above
If you are incrementing or decrementing a value by 1, you can use the abbreviated increment and decrement operators ++ or --:
myValue++; // this does the same as the above
When the increment or decrement operators appear after a variable, they are known as the post-increment or post-decrement operators because they perform their operation after the variable is evaluated. If they appear before the identifier (pre-increment or pre-decrement), they modify the value before the variable is evaluated:
I took help from Arduino Cookbook Book Arduino incrementing variables tutorial. This cookbook is perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with the popular Arduino microcontroller and programming environment. You’ll find more than 200 tips and techniques for building a variety of objects and prototypes such as IoT solutions, environmental monitors, location and position-aware systems, and products that can respond to touch, sound, heat, and light.
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