Getting Started with the Sense HAT in Raspberry pi


You want to know how to use a Raspberry Pi Sense HAT.


The Raspberry Pi Sense HAT  is a useful and somewhat confusingly named interface board for the Raspberry Pi. Yes, it includes sensors—in fact, it can measure temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. It also has an accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer for navigation type projects. It also has a full-color 8×8 LED matrix display
  The Sense HAT requires a Raspberry Pi with a 40-pin GPIO header, so you will not be able to use it on an older Raspberry Pi with a 26-pin header. The Sense HAT requires some software to be installed before you can use it. The process is not complicated, but it can take quite a while. Note that by the time you read this, you might find that Raspbian already includes all the software that you need for the Sense HAT. If this is the case, running these commands will not cause any problems; the installer will just tell you that it has nothing to do. Install the Sense HAT Python library by using the command:
$ sudo apt-get install sense-hat
This installer will actually enable I2C automatically, so you do not need to follow the usual I2C setup . The Sense HAT’s display uses a graphics library called Python Image Library (PIL), which must be installed by using the command:
$ sudo pip-3.2 install pillow
The installation will take a while, after which you should reboot if I2C was not already enabled.

Reference book

Raspberry Pi Cookbook

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