Make GIU interface for Control LED in Raspberry pi

You want to make an application to run on the Raspberry Pi that has a button for turning things on and off. Today I show you How to Make GIU interface for Control LED in Raspberry pi Step bt step Complet Process.

Required Component connect  LED Raspberry Pi :

1.Raspberry pi

This book will help you to gain more knowledge of Raspberry pi  Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions

Raspberry Pi Cookbook

Circuit diagram connects LED Raspberry Pi:

shows how you can wire this LED using a solderless breadboard and male-to-female jumper leads

Connecting an LED to a Raspberry Pi

Connecting an LED to a Raspberry Pi 

Code GIU LED Raspberry pi:

from tkinter import *
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)
class App:
     def __init__(self, master):
         frame = Frame(master)
         self.check_var = BooleanVar()
         check = Checkbutton(frame, text='LED ON Or OFF',
         variable=self.check_var, onvalue=True, offvalue=False)
     def update(self):
         GPIO.output(12, self.check_var.get())
root = Tk()
root.wm_title('On / Off Switch')
app = App(root)
When you run this Code you can see like this interface and Python program that uses a checkbox to turn the GPIO pin on and off
  led GIU interface 
 Its initializer function creates a member variable called check_var that contains an instance of BooleanVar that is then supplied as the variable option to the checkbox. The command option runs the update command every time such a change occurs. The update function simply writes the value in check_var to the GPIO output.

If you want to know more about raspberry pi then click on the link below



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