Installing the Arduino IDE for the ESP8266 | IoT Tutorial

Today I show Installing the Arduino IDE for the ESP8266  Step by step complete Process. Fast you have to need Download Arduino software from here Then set up a normal way. After Finish Setup you have to need to chack up the drive if the driver has installed properly then ok Nowyou would like to require a take after steps to be able to configure the ESP8266 with the Arduino IDE:

1. Start the Arduino IDE and open the Preferences window.
2. Enter the following URL into the Additional Board Manager URLs field:

Additional Board Manager URLs

3. Open Boards Manager from the Tools | Board menu and install the esp8266 platform as shown here and install :

Connecting your module to your Wi-Fi network:

Now, we are going to check whether the ESP8266 and the Arduino IDE are working correctly, and interface your chip to your local Wi-Fi network.

To do so, let's

// Import required libraries
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
// WiFi parameters
const char* ssid = "Mechatronics";
const char* password = "Password";
void setup(void)
// Start Serial
// Connect to WiFi
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
// Print the IP address
void loop() {

perform the following steps:

 1. First, we got to write the code and after that transfer it to the board. The code is simple; we just need to connect to the local Wi-Fi network and print the IP address of the board. This is often the code to connect to the network:

You'll basically copy the lines of the going before code and after that paste them into the ESP8266 Arduino IDE that you downloaded earlier. Of course, put your own Wi-Fi title and password within the code. Save this record with a title of your choice

. 2. Nowexplore to Tools | Boards and select Generic ESP8266 Module. Also, select the correct Serial port that compares to the FTDI converter that you are using.
3. After that, we have to be put the board within the bootloader mode, so we can program it. To do so, interface the pin GPIO to the ground, by means of the cable we plugged into GPIO 0. At that pointcontrol cycle the board by exchanging the power supply off and after that on again.
4. Nowtransfer the code to the board and open the Serial screen when this is done. Set the Serial screen speed to 115200. Nowdisconnect the cable between GPIO and GND and power cycle the board once more. You ought to see the taking after message:
Now Complet to Installing Arduino IDE in  ESP8266 Congrsulation

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