Dual Servo Control - Arduino Workshop
This project, we will create Dual Servo Control using Arduino, this time will control two servos using commands from the serial monitor.Required Component :
2. Resistors
6. Breadboard
Circuit diagram Dual Servo Control Arduino :
You will need to obtain a standard RC servo; any of the small or mid-sized servos will do. The servo must be powered by its own power supply. Do not power it from the Arduino’s 5V supply as this will cause both noise and excessive heat, potentially disrupting the program or worse, damaging the Arduino. Use an external 5V supply or a battery pack. Make sure the ground of both the Arduino and the power supply is connected. Also, add a resistor in series between the Arduino’s output and the control input of the servo to limit current if the Arduino is on when the servo’s supply is off. A 220-ohm resistor will do here. Also, you’ll need a potentiometer; pretty much any value rotary potentiometer will do. I used a 4.7K ohm one for testing. Note that you may also wish to connect your Arduino to an external DC power supply
The servo has three wires coming from it. One will be red and will go to +5V. One will be black or brown and will go to the ground. The third will be white, yellow, or orange and will be connected to digital pin 5 via a 220-ohm resistor.
Basically, you remove the potentiometer from the Servo Control- Arduino Workshop project and wire a second servo up to digital pin 6 via a 220-ohm resistor. Once everything is connected as it should be, enter the code below.
Code Dual Servo Control Arduino:
#include <Servo.h>
char buffer[11];
Servo servo1; // Create a servo object
Servo servo2; // Create a second servo object
void setup()
servo1.attach(5); // Attaches the servo on pin 5 to the
servo1 object
servo2.attach(6); // Attaches the servo on pin 6 to the
servo2 object
servo1.write(90); // Put servo1 at home position
servo2.write(90); // Put servo2 at home postion
void loop()
if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if data has been
int index=0;
delay(100); // Let the buffer fill up
int numChar = Serial.available(); // Find the string
if (numChar>10) {
while (numChar--) {
// Fill the buffer with the string
buffer[index++] = Serial.read();
splitString(buffer); // Run splitString function
void splitString(char* data) {
Serial.print("Data entered: ");
char* parameter;
parameter = strtok (data, " ,"); //String to token
while (parameter != NULL) { // If we haven't reached the end
of the string...
setServo(parameter); // ...run the setServo function
parameter = strtok (NULL, " ,");
void setServo(char* data) {
if ((data[0] == 'L') || (data[0] == 'l')) {
int firstVal = strtol(data+1, NULL, 10); // String to
long integer
firstVal = constrain(firstVal,0,180); // Constrain
Serial.print("Servo1 is set to: ");
if ((data[0] == 'R') || (data[0] == 'r')) {
int secondVal = strtol(data+1, NULL, 10); // String
to long integer
secondVal = constrain(secondVal,0,255); //
Constrain the values
Serial.print("Servo2 is set to: ");
To run the code, open up the serial monitor window. The Arduino will reset, and the servos will move to their central locations. You can now use the serial monitor to send commands to the Arduino.
The left servo is controlled by sending a Land than a number between 0 and 180 for the angle. The right servo is controlled by sending an R and the number.
You can send individual commands to each servo or send both commands at the same time by separating the commands with space or comma, like so:
L45 R135
R25 L175
This is a simple example of how you could send commands down a wire to an Arduino-controlled robot arm or an animatronic toy. Note that the serial commands don’t have to come from the Arduino serial monitor
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