How to Controlling Servo Motors in Raspberry pi
You want to use a Raspberry Pi to control the position of a servo motor. Today I show you How to Controlling Servo Motors in Raspberry pi in step by step complete process
Servo motors are used in remote control vehicles and robotics. Most servo motors are not continuous; that is, they cannot rotate all the way around but rather just over an angle of about 180 degrees.
The position of the servo motor is set by the length of a pulse. The servo expects to receive a pulse at least every 20 milliseconds. If that pulse is high for 1 millisecond, the servo angle will be zero; if it is 1.5 milliseconds, it will be at its center position; and if it is 2 milliseconds, it will be at 180 degrees
The example program sets the PWM frequency to 100 Hz, which will send a pulse to the servo every 10 milliseconds. The angle is converted into a duty cycle between 0 and 100
Using PWM to control the width of pulses to a servo motor to change its angle. Although this will work, the PWM generated is not completely stable, so there will be a little bit of jitter with the servo. For an alternative solution that produces much more stable pulse timing using the ServoBlaster device driver software
Components Required
6. Power Supply
This book will help you to gain more knowledge of Raspberry pi Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions
Raspberry Pi Cookbook
Circuit diagram Controlling Servo Raspberry :
Code Controlling Servo Raspberry :
from tkinter import *
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)
pwm = GPIO.PWM(18, 100)
class App:
def __init__(self, master):
frame = Frame(master)
scale = Scale(frame, from_=0, to=180,
orient=HORIZONTAL, command=self.update)
def update(self, angle):
duty = float(angle) / 10.0 + 2.5
root = Tk()
root.wm_title('Servo Control')
app = App(root)
After running this code you can see like this interface
you can modify it so that the slider sets the angle to be between 0 and 180 degrees
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