Components Required
  1. Atmega 328 IC
  2. Breadboard
  3. LM7805
  4. 16 MHz Crystal
  5. 22pF ceramic capacitors (2)
  6. 10uF capacitor(2)
  7. 10 K resistor
  8. 1k resistor
  9. Jumper wires
Pin Diagram of Atmega328

Circuit Diagram

Part-1: Building the Arduino Circuit on Breadboard

Step 1:- Connect the Power Supply Part as shown in circuit diagram and test it using external power supply to LM7805. It will looks like this.
Step 2:- Now, connect the Microcontroller Part as shown in circuit diagram. Make the connections carefully.

Step 3:- Now, connect the power supply and microcontroller part using jumpers. Your final circuit will looks something like this.

So, this is our Arduino on breadboard. You can implement the same circuit on PCB using simple tools like EasyEDA, etc. Now, we have to upload the bootloader to the new Atmega 328 IC so that we can start to program the IC.

Part-2: Burning the Bootloader into Atmega328 IC

Step 1:- Open Arduino IDE. Go to File -> Examples -> ArduinoISP. Than choose ArduinoISP. As shown below.

Step 2:- Now, you have to upload this code to your Arduino board. Choose the com port and board from the tool menu and hit the upload button.

Step 3:- After ‘Done uploading’, disconnect the Arduino board from the computer and make the connections of Arduino board with Atmega 328 as shown in below diagram.

Step 4:- Now, connect the Arduino board with the computer. Open Arduino IDE.

Go to Tools , Choose board as Arduino/Genuine Uno, Choose the correct Port for your board. Choose Programmer as “Arduino as ISP”. Don’t confuse it with ArduinoISP. Both are different.

Step 5:- Now, Go to Tools again and Click on Burn Bootloader just below the Programmer option. After few seconds, bootloader is uploaded successfully. If there is any error in uploading, check the connections.

Method-2: How to Program Arduino Bootloader uploaded Atmega 328 IC

Standalone Arduino Atmega328 Chip can be programmed in many ways.
  1. Using blank Arduino board i.e. Arduino board without Atmega 328 IC in it.
  2. Using USB to Serial TTL converter module (FTDI module).
  3. Using USBasp programmer (involve many connections).

Programming Atmega328 Chip using Arduino board

Step 1:- Take an Arduino board without Atmega328 chip. Make the connections of Arduino board with our breadboard Arduino as shown in this diagram.

Step 2:- Connect the Arduino board with the computer and open the Arduino IDE. Choose Arduino Uno from Board menu in Tools, Programmer as USBasp and correct com port of the board.

Step 3:- We will start by uploading the Blink program. So choose the blink program from Examples and hit Upload button.

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