RFID  attendance system using arduino with GSM:

The project Arduino and RFID Based Attendance System With GSM  is a simple and is used at any place where attendance is taken for maintaining register.

I try to give you a basics idea about RFID how to work and how to send sms use GSM Module.
In this project You have to need 
1. Ardunio uno
2. RFID-MRC522
3. SIM900A/Sim800c GSM Module 
4. Breadboard
5. Connecting Ware 

I Divided this project into Two part
1.RFID to ardunio part (First you have to need  learn about RFID CLICK HERE )
2. RFID to ardunio to Ardunio to GSM part

1 . RFID to ardunio part 
The software of Arduino and RFID Based Attendance System is written in arduino programming language and compiled using arduino IDE. You can directly download the code from below link and use it in your system. Before using code, you must first add RFID tag code and its corresponding name (name of person to whom that RFID card is assigned). 

1 . RFID to ardunio Connection

Download  RFID Code Click Here

Now you have to need Reflex your Tag Number Following  image
Reflex your Tag

if you work properly End this part
2.RFID to ardunio to Ardunio to GSM part

Now you have to need  connecting two ardunio and GSM Module Flowing Image
Ardunio to GSM Connection

Now download GSM code and upload  your ardunio Board click here

Project Video 

my another Project 


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